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plug distressed



Does your computer ever freeze up?  After a few frustrating mouse clicks, you simply turn it off and on again. Then miraculously...everything works! Is it possible that in the depth of your soul, you need to shut down and reboot?


What Men say about Souly Business...

quoteI have never experienced the fullness of God's love through fellowship with other believers like last weekend! It was a blessing to share in the tragedies of other men and to see how the power of Christ can overcome all circumstances. Although my story may be far less compelling, I came to the realization that living a lukewarm Christian life is, nonetheless, tragic. I now have a truer, fuller understanding of what Jesus meant when he said, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - Mark

quoteThe weekend was perfect. The experience filled voids, answered questions, pointed arrows of direction, and reintroduced me to the power of the Holy Spirit. The speakers and program topics were excellent and inspirational. The heartfelt openness was so incredible. I met many great guys with whom I hope to stay in contact and plan to pursue a men's group. My deepest gratitude goes out for inviting me to participate…I know it was part of God's plan. Sign me up for servant duty!" - Bill's extremely hard for me to put into words what this weekend meant to me, and the level of impact it has had on my life. While there are still a lot of unanswered questions in my head, I think I now "get it." I understand what it means to be a man, living life thoroughly immersed in God's love. And now that I understand, my primary focus is to live that out. A journey and struggle yes, but one that I welcome." - Jarred


join us
for an extraordinary two days

plug distressedImagine an experience so simple, yet so profound and purposeful, that when you re-enter your daily routine, you feel good about life again.


plug distressedThink for a moment about the path you’re on…and what could happen if you don’t take time to examine your life and priorities. Don’t let it be one of life’s traumas that gets your attention.


plug distressedConnect with God and others who care about you. The result? Conversations, connections, dreams, reflection, and encouragement.

Reboot...and Reconnect.